Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the examples below.

Will the facility or resident’s family be billed?

As an experienced billing company and participating Medicare Supplier, we recognize and accept the risk that we may be denied for claims. Because we have agreed with Medicare to accept assignment of all claims, in the event of a denial, we do not seek payment from the resident, resident’s family, or facility, but rather, we follow the Medicare Appeals Process to recoup denied charges. Residents may be responsible for coinsurance and deductibles as required by law.

We make money every month from Medicare for our Part B billing. Why should we let your company do the billing?

Many companies receive a monthly reimbursement check from Medicare. However, relatively few companies do an actual cost analysis to determine their expenditures versus reimbursement. Typically, we find that most facilities are spending considerably more than Medicare is reimbursing them. We can help in your decision by doing an analysis of your wound care practices and cross checking billable products against money reimbursed from Medicare Part B.

Following this type of analysis, many of our clients have realized that they are tying up hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every month in shipping and receivables management. Once these product costs are eliminated from your budget, this can considerably increase your available funds each month depending on the number of residents in your facility who qualify for our program.

Which products do you use?

As a distributor, we search out the best products on the market, and individualize the protocols to meet the specific needs of your residents. To do this, we will use some name brand products that you recognize, and some less familiar brands. In every case, our products are of superior quality and warranted to meet rigorous standards.

Many products on the market today are not reimbursable by Medicare. The only products we are able to supply are those approved by Medicare. This may mean that in rare instance, certain “newer” dressings are not billable under Medicare.

We do not have many wound residents. Do we still qualify for your program?

While a healing wound might have a smell under normal conditions,a distinctly malodorous wound should make any wound care professional cautious.Offensive odors from a wound site are usually a sign of bacterial colonization,and infection.

Is it normal for a healing wound to smell ?

As an experienced billing company and participating Medicare Supplier, we recognize and accept the risk that we may be denied for claims. Because we have agreed with Medicare to accept assignment of all claims, in the event of a denial, we do not seek payment from the resident, resident’s family, or facility, but rather, we follow the Medicare Appeals Process to recoup denied charges. Residents may be responsible for coinsurance and deductibles as required by law.

What is the description of wound drainage ?

Wound drainage is a fluid produced fromthe blood vessels during the inflammatory phase of healing, which is similar toblood plasma. Exudate consists of a mixture of water, proteins, white bloodcells, inflammatory mediators, and electrolytes, which play essential roles inwound healing.

What are scabs and what are they made of ?

A scab is your body’s protective response to a cut, scrape, bite, or other skin injury. Special blood cells called platelets form a clot at the injury. These cells act like a bandage to stop bleeding and keep out germs and debris.

As the clot dries, it forms a scab. A scab forms on the skin after it has been broken. You might get a scab from a cut, a scratch or a scrape as the wound starts to heal itself. The scab is there to protect the wound and forms after your blood has clotted and the surface of the wound starts to dry out. It might look red or brown, and covers the wound as healing continues underneath the scab.

A scab is there to help prevent infection by keeping out bacteria. Cleaning a wound before a scab forms helps to ensure there are no bacteria that can grow once the wound has scabbed over.

How to treat undermining wound ?

Wound undermining occurs when significant erosion occurs underneath the outwardly visible wound margins, resulting in more extensive damage beneath the skin surface. Consequently, while the external wound might appear small, large areas of tissue loss will be detected beneath the surface when the opening is probed. The goals of management in wound undermining are to halt further tissue loss (necrosis), protect the periwound, prevent infection, and remove factors preventing optimal tissue recovery.

Effective wound care strategies for undermining wounds include the following: 

1. Treatment/elimination of identifiable etiologies.

2. Symptom control.

3. Local wound care.

4. Dead space bolstering.

5. Negative pressure wound therapy.

To prevent a recurrence or further tissue destruction in undermined wounds, wound care experts should identify, and treat the primary causes. Removal of harmful substances, control of chronic medical diseases using medications or surgery will improve patient recovery times.

What is edema ?

Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in your body’s tissues. Although edema can affect any part of your body, you may notice it more in your hands, arms, feet, ankles and legs.

Edema can be the result of medication, pregnancy or an underlying disease — often congestive heart failure, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver.